Frequently Asked Questions

Can I join the Challenge individually?
You can register individually but eventually you need to be part of a team consisting of at least 2 members. The team composition should include members with diverse areas of expertise, ensuring a comprehensive approach to tackling the assignment.
The recommended team size is 3-5 persons. PhD students and fresh graduates together cannot exceed 20% of the team members.
There are many ways to find team members. We recommend that you start by mobilising your own network; ask your friends, acquaintances, and study mates if they want to team up. Upon your registration for the Challenge, you can indicate if you are looking for a team. After the registration deadline, we will contact those individuals to connect them with potential team members. Additionally, on 10 December, we will organise a matchmaking event. It will be an opportunity to meet other students looking for a team. We also recommend that you leave a message on the pinboard (instructions below) to make yourself visible to other individuals looking for a team.
  1. Log-in to the online platform.
  2. Click on the ‘Pinboard’ button.
  3. Make a new pin and make sure to add your contact information (i.e. email).
  4. Click on the pencil to publish your post.
  5. Other individuals that want to form a team can email you and you can accordingly see the posts of other individuals that want to form a team and email them.
  1. Log in to the online platform.
  2. Click on the ‘Competition’ button.
  3. Tick the box ‘I want to join an existing team’.
  4. Enter the unique code that that will be sent sent to you by your team captain (see previous section).
The online platform is the environment where you manage your participation in the ReThink Food Challenge. Here you can create your personal and team profile, upload Challenge submissions, and find all important documents related to the Challenge. After completing your registration for the ReThink Food Challenge, you will receive a link to activate your access to the online platform. From that moment onwards, you can access it via the 'Log in' button at the top of the website.
  1. Log in to the online platform.
  2. Click on the ‘Competition’ button.
  3. Click on the ‘Team info’ tab.
  4. Upload and fill in required fields (marked with *)
  5. Click on ‘Save’ (two times) before leaving the page.
On average, you will spend 8 hours per week working on your team's submission, but it will vary depending on the phase of the Challenge and your role within the team. Typically, the periods around the deadlines are more intensive, and team members with significant responsibilities (such as team leaders) invest more time in the Challenge. Additionally, there are a few obligatory events to attend.
Fresh graduates are welcome to join the Challenge. The graduation should not take place earlier than the academic year 2023/2024. Fresh graduates should not exceed 20% of team members.
No. PhD students and fresh graduates together cannot exceed 20% of the team members.
There are a few obligatory events to attend during the Challenge. Those include: Kick-off event (14/01/25), Pressure cooker (full day, 21/01/25), Coach roast (4/02/25), Validation workshop (full day, 13/03/25), Online consultations (20/03/25), Demo day (full day, 24/04/25), Pitch consultations (week 19), Grand Finals (27/05/25). Those events are designed to help you with your entry.
The events take place at the campus of the Wageningen University & Research (Wageningen, The Netherlands). Teams abroad can follow the events via a livestream. Where relevant online interaction will be included.
This depends on your University. We recommend discussing this with your academic advisor. Students of Wageningen University can receive study points for participating in the Challenge upon completion of the course Student Challenge Learning Journey 1 (YWU51803) and 2 (YWU52309).
Unfortunately the participation in the Challenge does not replace ACT. Please consult your academic advisor in case you have any doubts.

If you have any remaining questions, send them to